AboUt us
Are you sick of paper straws letting you down mushing and falling apart during your cocktail hour? You still want a clean and green future but you also don't want to have to slurp your refreshing pina colada in one just to save the straw. Well…
The straw brothers have made an investigation and they have a solution.
Our Story
The straw that broke the camel’s back…
Harvey and Barnaby the straw brothers started off life in Eastbourne on the South of England's Coastline, they grew up seeing wildlife all around them. They would go shrimp fishing in the rock pools and throw bread to the seagulls off the pier. Harvey and Barnaby both knew what nature should look like. As they grew older learning in school about global warming and the plastic waste issues and seeing it first hand as they traveled the world in their late teenage years they realized nature was not getting what it deserved.
In 2018 Barnaby was working in Waikato, New Zealand, as a double glazing glass cutter. He was trying to learn everything he could about how a factory worked and how to run machinery.
Meanwhile, Harvey was living and studying in Bath, England, he was learning all about business and logistics.
That summer, Harvey visited Barnaby and as they toured around the north island of New Zealand they had an overwhelming feeling that they could never let a place so beautiful turn into a landfilled mess. They would talk about what the world could come to if someone didn't fix the problem. So they decided they were going to create a business that could lead the world in the right direction.
Once Barnaby moved back to England that year it all began. They started off by importing the closest paper straws to England. China! China seemed to be the only place we could purchase bulk amounts of paper straws. We realized instantly this was not a good thing. Not only did it take about a month to receive paper straws, it was also costing the planet from the environmental damage from the shipping. It was time, time for us to get a machine and start the paper straw manufacturing industry here in England.
So the straw brothers set up their eco-factory and they started making paper straws. They followed the status quo on how to make a paper straw but it wasn't working. They soon realized that paper straws may be saving the wildlife hugely but people were still complaining about having to use them. With some research it was obvious something could be done to improve the classic paper straw. With small changes like the quality of paper and the type of food safe glue it was very easy to see they could make the world's best quality paper straw. The final step to achieve the world's strongest paper straw was to add 1 more layer of paper to make it a 4 ply paper straw. They had done it!
Today, Barnaby is working in the eco-factory making sure he can supply all his customers with the best quality paper straws there has ever been.
Harvey also works in the eco-factory but spends a lot of his time making sure customers receive their straws on time and that their business is not damaging the Earth in any way.
OUR mission
Change can be hard if it's not executed with quality.
To keep developing our expertise and improving the resilience of a paper straw.
Don’t see what you're looking for? Contact us
How long do the straw brothers' paper straws last in liqUid?
The Straw Brother’s paper straws will easily last to the end of your drink. If you're not chewing on it and bending the straw then it will last at least 2 hours. We have tested our paper straws and they can last over 24 hours in liquids.
How long will it take to receive my straws?
UK deliveries will take 3 working days.
Deliveries to Europe take 7-10 working days
Deliveries to USA 7-15 working days.
Are the straw brothers paper straws compostable?
Yes, all our products and packaging are recyclable and compostable. The best way for a paper straw to biodegrade is in the right environment like the compost bin.